CALL JO 0409 043 955
I can be reached personally and directly. Please call or text 7 days a week anytime between 8:30 am. to 9:00 pm. I will answer your queries and/or book an appointment.
You can also enquire and book directly via the contact form.
A detailed time/day availability schedule for April will be sent to you via email on request so that you can choose a day/time that suits you best.
Flexibility is available for your particular schedule.
Therapy is also available online through zoom.
Located at 'WESTELLA', 181 Elizabeth St, Hobart.
(opposite The Guide Dogs and Freedom Furniture )
Johannes Kelder
I work with the couple or individual to create a new and deeper understanding as to why certain behaviours cause emotional responses that are difficult to accept and respond to. I seek to assist the couple explore and create a solution to the problems that negatively affects them.
I have extensive experience in assisting couples who are deeply hurt and struggling with the painful affects of either an emotional and/or physical affair
Relationship Therapy
Couple therapy helps you understand why you are no longer relating to each other like you used to, or prefer to. We all long for a loving, supportive, caring relationship, where there is a deep appreciation of each other and a growing closer together. Therapy can assist a couple with any and every issue. The most common is communication. Couples often get stuck in a place where reactive triggers have taken over much of the communication process instead of considered, kind, understanding, empathic responses. Therapy can also assist where there has been broken trust, betrayal, infidelity and deep grief. The deepest of hurts and injury when mutually understood and felt, have the potential for resolution and healing. The therapeutic process provides an opportunity for couples to openly discuss the issues they face with each other in a safe environment. It provides the context for developing new perspectives, insights, behaviours and skills which, when implemented, can significantly improve your relationship.
Relationship Sex Therapy
Issues in a couple relationship can often result in the build up of resentment and tension which potentially creates a loss of desire in affection and physical intimacy. If the couple wishes to enter into sex therapy it will be about a couple coming into a common understanding as to why there maybe a loss of desire and where love making is no longer a mutually satisfying experience. Sex therapy provides an opportunity for couples to discuss their sexual relationship in a safe and constructive way. It often consists of receiving some guidance that normalises a number of issues and creates a new understanding as to how a couple may enhance mutual closeness and pleasure.
To make this affordable to all couples the fees per session are structured to combined income level from $120- $160 per session. Most couples are in the $130 - $150 range.
This is not long term therapy. Most couples can make major improvements and complete the process within 4-6 sessions. Some complex situations may need more sessions.
This often depends on demand. I can see couples at times on the same day or in the week or the next. Adjustments in the time schedule can sometimes be made for urgent cases.
MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 - 6:30 On some occasions later after hours and Saturday afternoons appointments are available on request